Archive for April, 2015

MWC Testifies in Opposition to Sunday Hunting for Coyotes

Dead Coyotes after a Hunt

On April 7, 2015, MWC president John Glowa testified before the Maine Legislature’s Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee in opposition of L.D. 691-An Act to Allow Sunday Hunting for Coyotes in Northern Maine.  The committee disregarded our testimony that, in fact, Maine’s “coyotes” cannot legally be hunted or trapped because it is not a coyote, but is rather by statutory definition, a wolf hybrid.  There is no legal definition for “coyote” in Maine statutes.  The supporters of the legislation maligned Maine’s “coyotes” and provided no scientific evidence to support killing these animals seven days a week, instead of the six days a week currently allowed.  Our testimony is shown below. Read the rest of this entry »