Archive for the ‘Education and Outreach’ Category

Canadian Study Documents the Ability of Large Carnivores to Cross the St. Lawrence River


A recent study done by Canadian researchers documented the ability of Canada lynx to cross the St. Lawrence River from north to south and vice versa. Genetic analyses of 558 lynx pelts from Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec north and south of the St. Lawrence River , and New Brunswick found three genetic clusters of lynx.  They are located in New Brunswick and Quebec south of the St. Lawrence River (Maine is part of this cluster), Labrador and Quebec north of the St. Lawrence River, and Newfoundland.  Despite the genetic clustering and relatively little genetic mixing between the three clusters, the analyses documented that at least nineteen adult lynx had moved from one cluster to another by crossing the St. Lawrence River. Read the rest of this entry »


We started the Maine Wolf Coalition in September 1994 at Maine’s Common Ground Fair. We knew that Maine needed an organization to speak out on behalf of wolves and to educate the public about them. For a number of years we were membership based and very active giving presentations, attending functions, and raising monies to support our work. Over time, as people came and went, and as it became more practical to do so, we made the decision to become an internet based organization instead of a membership based organization. For several years now we have operated MWC on a shoestring with the bulk of our funds used to pay for our website. With very limited monies and resources, through our website, our wolf booth and in response to inquiries from the public and the press we have continued to educate others about wolves and to serve as a major voice in wolf recovery advocacy. Read the rest of this entry »