Archive for July, 2018

107 lb. Wolf Killed by Trapper South of Quebec City in 2006

Governments are usually not too interested in talking about wolves.  This was apparently the case when in November 2006, a 48.6 kg (107 lb.) male eastern/gray wolf was killed by a trapper outside Ste. Marguerite de Beauce, Quebec, less than twenty miles south of Quebec City.

We just learned about this animal while doing an internet search and finding the attached article. Read the rest of this entry »

Words from Walt, #7

Wolves predating on livestock grazing on public land continues to be an issue.  We all recall the tragic story of government authorities wiping out the Profanity Pack in Washington State where cattle were permitted to graze on public land near a known wolf den with pups. I have a proposed solution that may not be perfect but is better than the way things are now.  All leases between the federal government and livestock owners allowing grazing on public land where natural predators may be present should contain a provision whereby the livestock owner waives any claim for losses due to predation, and expressly stipulates that in return for this use of public land the livestock owner assumes all risks to the livestock as a result of the public land grazing.  If the livestock owners do not like this provision, then they do not need to request the opportunity to have their livestock use and graze on public land and can graze their animals on private land which is what they should do anyway. 

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