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107 lb. Wolf Killed by Trapper South of Quebec City in 2006

Governments are usually not too interested in talking about wolves.  This was apparently the case when in November 2006, a 48.6 kg (107 lb.) male eastern/gray wolf was killed by a trapper outside Ste. Marguerite de Beauce, Quebec, less than twenty miles south of Quebec City.

We just learned about this animal while doing an internet search and finding the attached article. Read the rest of this entry »


Maine has no coyotes (Canis latrans).

The wolflike canid that ranges from Ohio to the Carolinas and northeast to Newfoundland and Labrador is not a coyote, but a hybrid of the coyote, wolf and domestic dog.  The animal that we call coyote is more aptly named “coywolf”.  Coywolves were first documented in Canada in the early 20th century and by the 1930’s they had reached Maine.  The L.C. Bates Museum in Hinckley contains a strange looking specimen purported to be a wolf killed in Calais, Maine around 1910.  It looks nothing like the coy wolves of today.   Read the rest of this entry »

New Facebook Page About Maine Wildlife

I have started a new Facebook page titled John Glowa’s Maine Fish and Wildlife News.  The purpose of the new page is to educate the people of Maine about what really is going on when it comes to the public’s fish and wildlife resources. There are many issues that the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, radical “sportsmen”, and their allies in the press don’t want the public to know about. For example, they don’t want the public to know the truth about Maine’s misnamed Coyote Control Program and the tens of thousands of dollars that are being wasted annually with no scientifically documented benefit to Maine’s deer herd. Another issue they don’t want the public to know about is the growing number of bald eagle deaths in Maine, the potential health threat to humans resulting from the consumption of lead fragments in wild game, and Maine’s state government run Hunters for the Hungry program program that distributes wild meat to the public without x-raying it for lead fragments and without warning the public regarding the dangers of consuming lead tainted meat. Read the rest of this entry »